Le murmure d'une brise légère

The whisper of a light breeze

God reveals himself to the prophet Elijah in “the whisper of a light breeze”. What is more discreet than the whisper of a light breeze?

God joins us in discretion, in absolute humility. It is therefore possible that he asks us to bear witness to him, to reveal him to our brother men, with the same discretion.

He does not ask us, to be his disciples, to do an exploit like walking on water!
He does not ask us to be on the news, to be powerful, influential or loud.

God chose the murmur of a light breeze, the straw of a stable, the ordinary work of a workshop in Nazareth, the stony paths of Palestine, the fishing boats of Lake Thiberias, the desert, the secluded mountain, the humble house of Martha and Mary…

It is there that God chose to make himself present and reveal himself, in the ordinary life of a carpenter, of a sinner, of a mother.

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